doshee thaharaana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest दोषी ठहराना doshee thaharaana news and headlines :
1. बिना जांच नाइक को दोषी ठहराना गलत : दारुल उलूमlivehindustan.com2. बिना जांच जाकिर नाइक को दोषी ठहराना गलत : दारुल उलूमlivehindustan.com3. महज फरारी पर दोषी ठहराना न्याय का मखौल: हाईकोर्ट LiveHindustan
4. नक्सलियों को दोषी ठहराना जल्दबाजी होगी: राजनाथ LiveHindustan

Given are the examples of hindi word doshee thaharaana usage in english sentences. The examples of doshee thaharaana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., denounce, condemn, charge, blame.

Management is a very popular term and has been used extensively for all types of activities and mainly for taking charge of different activities in any enterprise.

They may be entities like the government, corporation, banks which also take different economic decisions like how much to spend, what interest rate to charge on the credits, how much to tax, etc.
If some trader were to charge a high price, people would move to another shop where the same thing may be available more cheaply or where the buyer can bargain and bring the price down.
You may recall that the atomic number is equal to the nuclear charge (i.e., number of protons) or the number of electrons in a neutral atom.
Explain these trends in terms of nuclear charge and energy level.
It is because within the period the outer electrons are in the same valence shell and the effective nuclear charge increases as the atomic number increases resulting in the increased attraction of electrons to the nucleus.
A cation is smaller than its parent atom because it has fewer electrons while its nuclear charge remains the same.
The cation with the greater positive charge will have a smaller radius because of the greater attraction of the electrons to the nucleus.
Anion with the greater negative charge will have the larger radius.
The effective nuclear charge experienced by a valence electron in an atom will be less than the actual charge on the nucleus because of shielding or screening of the valence electron from the nucleus by the intervening core electrons.
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